950 Fuel Pump Options

OEM Points

It is well known that the OEM LC8 fuel pump is a weak point in the design of an otherwise high quality piece of machinery. It uses mechanical contacts to provide "interrupt activation" of the Mitsubishi diaphragm pump. It is located in an area (under the front of the engine) that receives the worst that the environment has to offer and are subject to corrosion, pitting, and wear like all point activated electrical breakers. There are several fixes in the works by Forum members at this time. Take a look at what others have done and copy, improve, or come up with your own design to share:

40105 40171
Facet 40105 (no check valve)
Facet 40171 (check valve)
mikuni vacuum pump Mitsubishi solid state
Mikuni Vacuum Pump
Mitsubishi Solid State Conversion
Dr Bean electronic mod Carter
Dr Bean's Electronic Mod (pdf)
Carter Solid State

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This site would not be possible without the yeoman's work of fellow Katoom riders, dealers, mechanics, and engineers. Thank you to all who have contributed. I will update this list periodically. If you have some other "Wisdom" that you would like to be added to the HOW, please e-mail them to me at:

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DISCLAIMER: All observations made in these pages are based solely on the anecdotal experiences of their authors. The contributions are reprinted here exactly as posted by the contributors. The spelling, syntax, grammar, etc have purposely not been corrected in order to retain its original flavor. The contributors are from throughout the World, and English may very well not be their native language. Don't be an ass and complain about the lexicon. YMMV, of course. You are "on your own", and I take no responsibility if someone tries anything in this website and gets into trouble with the law, their dealer, significant other, or the manufacturer. Or damages their person or property, or goes deaf, dumb, or blind. If you are not competent and comfortable with the inner workings of internal combustion engines, do the wise thing and defer to an experienced mechanic. Take everything you read or hear "anywhere" butt especially on the Web with a large dose of salt.